Friday, September 17, 2010

How selfish am I if I don't go tell the world? --Stand For You by Jonny Diaz

I think that the beginning of my training from God to be spiritually ready for this trip started at a MassHope home-school conference where a preacher named Eric Ludy spoke. He talked about a call he got about all the orphans in Liberia, Africa. There are kids there, 2 and 3 years old roaming the streets with no one to comfort them, no one to feed them. All alone. I cry at the thought of this! To think of one of my little brothers roaming the streets, falling down and getting hurt, really hungry, no blankets, and no one to say, "its ok, mommys here." or "daddy is here, its gonna be alright, we are gonna find something to eat." When Eric talked about that, I really think I was being trained. And have been continually since.

 I am always feeling like there is something inside of me, saying, 'you need to stay here, let some one else who doesn't have things here to care for, things here to do go do the missionary work, you don't need to.' And this makes perfect sense to me! I should stay, go to college, do my own thing, follow my own dreams. But then I think of all the little kids. That smacks me in the face. I have a savior who loves me sooo much, a wonderful God who created me and yet here I am being selfish doing my own thing. How selfish am I if I don't go tell the world? To think of people rotting in hell because no one told them.They are innocent, but have to rot there anyway! Jesus wants them and told us to go tell them. NOW!

1 comment:

  1. OK, Christina!! The journey begins! And I see you are beginning on the right foot! We'll be praying against the attack of the enemy. And you must keep praying once you get here, as well. We are on the front lines. You are going to add another dimension to the Harvest Hands house and we are looking forward to what God is going to do through you!!
